Sunday, October 16, 2016

About Friends

A friend sticks closer than a brother...

Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

There are days when loneliness over whelms me. In a sea of people, we all can feel very lonely at times. What's a girl to do? Remember! God has blessed us with some amazing friends. One of the reasons I love Facebook is because I can somewhat keep up with long time friends easier. If I can't visit with them one on one, I can at least have a tiny glimpse into their lives.

The Jarrards and the Baileys have been our dearest friends over the years. We met the Baileys when they moved onto campus at seminary just over twenty-nine years ago. 

We stopped by to see the Baileys on a trip last Fall. They moved for David to pastor Cottondale Baptist Church in Alabama. David and Dawn are the friends that we can go weeks without talking to and the moment we get together, it's like we were never separated. 
The Jarrards came on to help us start our church eleven years ago and have proven to be faithful friends. The Marines moved Kevin and Kelly and their children to Pennsylvania so we made a fun trip to see them recently. 
This is Kelly and me at the top of a very tall observation tower that Abigail sprinted up at Gettysburg, PA. Abigail wasn't scared or winded, I on the other hand was both.

Dawn and Kelly are godly women whom I have often admired their marriages. They both set a great example of what a wife should be. 

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