Wednesday, October 19, 2016

A True Friend

Have you ever noticed in social media that when someone is having a fight with another person, they will post all kinds of stuff about it? Maybe they never post a person's name, but they'll share a meme or articles that relate to the fight. Their comments may or may not be intended to jab at the other person, but they want to make it a public, "in your face" remark. This isn't about that. This is just because I noticed recently that I have some really great friends.

We often discuss the definition of a true friend in our home. Having teenage girls means that friends come and go. I have been so grateful that God has blessed my life with the friends that I have. There are no perfect people in the world, but I may have found one friend who gets it pretty close.

L is someone that I can talk to about anything at all. She wants to discuss deep things about our savior, yet she can be silly too.

She's the lady that I can say anything to. She knows my greatest sins, and doesn't pass judgement in the wrong manner. She isn't shocked about my questions about the faith.

She doesn't let me wallow in sin. Because I know she cares about me, I'm not mad when she confronts me. She isn't going to let me gossip or wallow in self pity.

Her advice is applicable to my life. The day she told me, "if you can't worship God in the chaos that God gave you, you need to question who you worship," was life changing.

I don't have to pick up or clean up anything at all when she comes in to my house. And I don't feel the need to apologize for something that I haven't done. I'm completely comfortable with her. The last time she was at my house, she helped me fold five loads of laundry.

Her friendship isn't one-sided. If I go too long without checking on her, she checks on me. Because L understands the grace of God, she is able to freely extend it to me.

How can you be true friend? Only through a relationship with Christ. The only perfect person on earth was Christ. Proverbs 18:24 - A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Christ is that perfect friend.

L is not named because she is also really humble and would be embarrassed.

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