Friday, June 10, 2011


I was moaning with a friend recently about Rachel and Hannah being gone for the summer and her daughter is moving away in the fall. She was commenting that her daughter was her closest friend and how much she would miss her. As the girls grow up and find themselves away from home more and more, I am realizing too that my closest friends are those in my own home. I love how the girls are growing into godly young ladies and share with me. I am still their mom first, but at their ages, our interactions are more sharing than instruction and correction. There are still moments when I have to be - "I'm the mom! that's why" - but those times are farther apart with the older girls. And I think that's the way it should be.

The friendships I share with ladies in my extended family, my church, and other places are invaluable too. Months ago, I had a conversation with another pastor's wife about this very thing. Being a pastor's wife can be very lonely sometimes and this lady had decided that she didn't really want friends other than her own husband and children. I was a little impressed at first, but later saddened for her. What a blessing she is missing out on! Yes, sometimes, friendships are wrought with disappointments. I have had my share of that, even been the cause of some of those problems. But most of the time those friendships can be a wonderful gift from God. Our godly friends are a true source of encouragement, help and even admonition. So while my closest circle of friends may not be huge, I am so thankful for Proverbs 18:27.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

1 comment:

Stace Farrow said...

I feel the same way about my little boy. Although, I do know when he is grown, it will be different. I often wished I could of also had a daughter. You know..."A son is a son until he takes a wife, but a daughter is a daughter for all your life". :-) Praying for a lovely daughter-in-law.