Friday, January 21, 2011

Studying the Book of James?

Rachel teaches a girls' Bible study every week in our home for high school-ish aged girls. This week she let Mary and Lydia sit in with them as long as they promised not to talk :) Here are a couple of questions Lydia asked during the Bbile study:

I know God doesn't put sin in our hearts but why does He allow it?

If God can do anything why doesn't He make everyone Christians?

So much for Lydia not talking... I guess Rachel learned her lesson.


Suzanne said...

Yikes! One of the most intimidating things about leading a Bible study (for me, anyway), has always been the group dynamic. This was a funny story, but also sweet, as I catch a glimpse of the hearts of these two girls of yours.

Glad to see you doing a little blogging again. I've missed it.

Lori Rhodes said...

Hi Suzanne, Thanks! I've missed being here. Life is crazy (as you know). I hope to be here more regularly now.
I love how these younger girls are always keeping the older girls on their toes. Little kids know how to keep a person humble :)

Melany said...

It's good that they're pondering the questions... she will continue to discover (and remind us!) that our salvation is great mystery, and our God is incomprehensible in the most marvelous way!