Friday, November 05, 2010

How to Clean Out Your Pantry

First step - Open the door and watch a five pound bucket of rice slowly tumble its way down to the floor, but don't forget to make sure that the lid was loose enough to come off at the top shelf.

Second step - Stand there in disbelief.

Third step - Reassure the sweet child who comes running that it was not her fault.

Fourth step - Take everything out and start over putting it back in. It is a good way to check for old expiration dates and hiding molded bread.

By the way, if you haven't swept the floor in several days, you cannot save the spilled rice. Just throw it away and be confident of the cleaning lesson you just learned.

And if you haven't had a dog for five years that required having her nails trimmed and if you plan to never have a dog that requires her nails trimmed, you don't have to keep the dog nail clippers in the pantry! It's okay to give them to Goodwill.


Jen--The Straightforward Mom said...

This made me laugh and think about our "kids dish" cabinet. Things will come barreling out at you if you aren't careful.

M.E. Masterson said...

Now this is funny!! I remember those days...thank you for the belly laugh!!

maria said...
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rastreator said...

Thanks for the informative. Fantastic blog. Congratulations!!!

superman said...

Nice blogs!
Thanks for sharing!

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