Sunday, March 01, 2009

Lydia's Version of Our School

"What's those numbers we say? You know that tell about the day, 145? 1984? oh, oh, oh, 2009, that's it." Lydia
What we do for school is Hannah and Sarah sit at the table and talk. And Mary does her school with Mama helping her and I do my school with Mama helping. Sometimes my sister, Rachel, used to help, before she went to college. My school is handwriting, Bible, math, and all that kind of stuff. The first of every day we do devotions then we scatter round and do our school. Sometimes I do my school in the kitchen with Hannah and Sarah. Sometimes I sort of talk and sometimes I sit in the kitchen with Hannah and Sarah and I am sort of like the mom. Mama tells me to tell them to be quiet. The others are doing their school while I do my school.
Signed, Lydia


Rachel Rhodes said...

I wish I still helped Lydia do school. :-(

the striped rose said...

Out of the mouths of babes...