Sunday, September 09, 2007

Our Progress

Have you ever struggled to get through something for a long time? Our family started reading Pilgrim's Progress in late May together and finished it today. At the beginning all of us were on the edge of our seats wondering what the next adventure would be or who would be the next character we would meet. We learned about shocking places like the City of Destruction and Vanity Fair and were appalled at the attitudes of Worldly Wiseman and Ignorance. Comforted by friends like Faithful, we were saddened to read of his death at the hands of a jury by the names of such Mr. Hate-light and Mr. Liar. Somewhere along the way we got bogged down, maybe it was when we met Giant Despair, and it felt as if we would never make it to the Celestial City. Reading only a few pages at a time we had to work hard to keep up with the story for the little ones, but in the end it was Mary who begged this morning to keep reading. We all could relate at some time with the plight of Christian as he so quickly falls into the Slough of Despond and needs Help to show him the way to the gate. Finishing the book this morning as Christian and Hopeful are lead across the River into the gate at the Celestial City, we were relieved to see the requirements for entry had not changed. Ignorance and Vain-hope will only usher you through the door to Hell.
I had only read bits of this story years ago. What a sense of accomplishment to have finished a project with our whole family; but also the enjoyment of the time spent together doing something so worthwhile. As our children raise their own families they will look back at those many nights we spent reading and discussing characters like Mr. Hold-the-world, Mr. Money-love, and Mr. Save-all. Our next family book reading may be Christiana's Story.


Eva said...

The girls and I read and abridged version together. I really enjoyed it but I do look forward to reading the whole thing again with them when they are all older.

It also amazed me how our youngest also can remember so much!

Love the "Hawiaan picture" above! Did the whole family coordinate so well? I love to do that!

Blessings to you all! Eva

Lori Rhodes said...

Reading to very small children always amazes me. They seem to be so far away, but remeber so much more than I do. Little minds are so ripe for teaching.
I wish we all had Hawaiian clothes. I'm afraid to say the bigger girls have grown too far awy from that on a regular basis. Yet, on that night they all probably would have dressed up because of what we were doing. We went to friends' end of the summer party complete with Hawaiin food, leis, and flowers in our hair.