Saturday, September 01, 2007

Christmas Bells Are Ringing

Even though it's scorching hot today and Ray has the girls at a water park (yippee for free tickets), I'm getting all ready for Christmas. I got to spend the entire morning reading his new book and doing some editing. I was checking the verses to make sure everything went where it was supposed to. The farther I got the more excited I became about Christmas. I can't wait for the rush of shopping, decorating and special events, but most of all I look forward to those sweet family times of reading and snuggling on the sofas. Ray's book is a family devotional for the month of December with all kinds of activities that have been practiced by our family for years. The best thing about the book is the focus on Scripture in the season that so often gets out of hand. For a more detailed look at the book to be published by October click on the title above. This picture is of a family Bible time years ago. Snapshots like these are some of our favorite pictures that we have taken many times. They haven't been posed, just captured during our time together. Now I'm off to make potato soup for my bathing beauties who I know will be chilled and sunburned after a day in the sun.

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