Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pride Goes Before Destruction

I know families where hair cutting is a common occurrence. Their children have cut their own hair many times as well as their siblings' hair. Some families have all of their dolls' heads trimmed. I had been very proud of the fact that I have five daughters of all ages and I have never had one cut her hair - until today. Lydia has been the girl who seems to try really hard to prove me wrong on any parenting issues. Out of all the experience I have with raising little girls, she throws a kink in what I know. I'm thankful to God that I haven't "arrived" at all the knowledge I need for taking care my girls. He is the One to provide grace and wisdom for each situation we face. (Besides it's hardly noticeable where she cut.) The picture above is from her first real haircut.


Anonymous said...


It wasn't until my son was in his upper teens that he decided he could cut his own hair! That is why he is bald in his graduation picutre.

If we show Lydia what Justin did she might never cut her hair again.


Lori Rhodes said...

We went to the beauty shop today and she promised the hairdresser that she would never do it again.

Bess Kirby said...

Lori~ Do you remember when we lived on 338 and I cut ALL of my hair off? I put on a hat and when mama found the hair *I hid it beside the old grandfather clock* I told her it was your cat's hair! Aunt Beth had to cut my hair into a page boy...