Saturday, November 25, 2006


What a glorious holiday Thanksgiving is. This year we were blessed to be with a lot of family and friends. Our church celebrated on Monday night with the traditional fare of turkey and dressing and everyone had the opportunity to say what they are thankful for. On Wednesday night, our family went to see my family at my mom's house. It was nice to be there with my sister and her family. We read Scripture and really enjoyed Papa's giant pot of homemade soup.
On Thursday morning we went to Ray's family home. This year I cooked the turkey and dressing, which is a big deal. Ray's family is very serious about their dressing. It turned out okay and everyone seemed to live through my dressing even though it will never be as good as Nana's. The best thing about that day was that everyone in the family was there. Nanny, Aunt Thelma, Granddaddy, Nana, both brothers, all four sisters and all spouses and all 14 grandchildren, and even a couple of friends.
When you have a family you have a lot to be thankful for. When the family is close and supportive of you, then you are truly blessed. At each of our celebrations we shared with each group of the blessing that we are expecting our sixth child. Our families and friends shared our excitement and are looking forward to a new addition to an already abundantly filled household.

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