Saturday, December 12, 2015

Praying the Bible

I just finished reading Praying the Bible by Don Whitney. We have been taught these concepts for many years, but the book was so refreshing and helpful in the method of praying Scripture. The idea is to actually use the words of Scripture to inform and guide your prayers. The last chapter was worth reading the entire book.

I started writing out one prayer recently and I was so encouraged. Here are my notes on what I was prompted to pray for in less than ten minutes.

Psalm 69

Verse 1 
- Save me, O God...
Salvation for those that are lost.
- for the waters have come up to my neck.
Help for me in the midst of this season that I feel like I don't have time to breathe.

Verse 5 
- O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from You.
What a verse that reminds me of sin that swells up in my own heart.

Verse 13 
- But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord, at an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in you saving faithfulness.
The sliver of the moon rising in the darkness directly in front of me, is just one reminder of God's great faithfulness. He places reminders immediately in front of us to show us that He is faithful. The sun rises, the sun sets, the moon rises, the moon sets, etc. God is faithful!

Verse 19 
- my foes are all known to you.
I don't know who my immediate enemies are, but God does. The enemies at large are those who would wipe out Christians. I struggle praying for them the verses 22 through 28, but I can pray that God's Justice would be enacted where He sees appropriate.

Verse 29 
- let your salvation, O God, set me on high.
I believe and am so grateful for my salvation. 
Please God don't let my self righteousness cause me to think more highly of myself than I ought. I could easily lift myself up to think I don't deserve any conflict, much less persecution.

Verse 30-31 
- I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving. This will please the Lord more than an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs.
I must praise God continuously and magnify Him. My works will not. I am reminded that the Lord loves obedience better than a sacrifice. (I Samuel 15:22)

Verse 33
- For the Lord hears the needy.
The needy we always have among us... The prayers of supplication could be unending.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I love the way Jeff models this each Sunday in worship as he reads us a portion of Scripture (often from Psalms or an epistle), then prays it back to God. He's been doing this for a number of years as a way to model/lead the people to do it privately, as well. I noticed this book on his study shelf the other day, and I will want to borrow it from him at some point, I'm sure!