Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Some Lessons Learned from 15! Years of Homeschooling

Has it been that long? Can you tell I have homeschooling on the brain?

  • Just because it worked out okay for the older girls doesn't mean it can't be better.
  • I can't do it alone.
  • It can't be done on the fly.
  • It takes more planning than I think that it does.
  • I don't have to do something just because it works so well for others.
  • My children are my responsibility.
  • A noun is a noun in the second grade, the third grade, the fourth grade,... I don't have to teach the same thing over and over.
  • My whole family needs to have the same commitment to homeschooling that I do.
  • Order in my home looks differently than what it used to.

It looks like after fifteen years, I would be better at this.


Suzanne said...

Good lessons. This is always the hardest time of year for me with regards for homeschooling. We're on the home stretch (and ready for break!), but I need to start thinking through preliminary planning for next year, too. And yes, every year is different. But next year, I'll be down to one homeschooler in my home. And that makes me a little sad, even during this challenging season. Thanks for the post, Lori!

Lori Rhodes said...

I was surprised at how sad I was to graduate my girls when the time came. It's a whole different chapter for us all when they are finished with formal homeschooling.