Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Here they are! I have prayed over these and know that it isn't anything earth shattering, but I think it's where God would have me change. There were a few more things but they are a little too personal to put out there.

2014 Goals

Tackle household projects list- one a month
Attend or acknowledge funerals and weddings - This may not be on anyone else's resolutions list, but I think it's important to people to show up to these events.
Financial- save a dollar for each week of the year. $1 for week one, $2 for week two, $3 for week three and so on
Physical- three days a week exercise, dessert 3 times per week, drink a cup of water before every cup of coffee
Parenting - daily physical contact, waking them with a hug or back rub, write in the girls' journals weekly
Marriage - kiss every day (not just your every day run of the mill peck on the cheek), put kids to bed by their bedtime
Learn to use iPad, audio books, download pics and music
Scripture- memorize even when we aren't in school, read from a physical Bible not the iPad
Read 10 minutes of a book besides the Bible during quiet time

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