Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Phase?

Abigail has always been the type of baby that wants a lot of attention, and at our house it isn't too hard to find that for her....usually.  She had gotten so happy with her toys and would sit for very long periods of time playing, content with someone sitting to speak for a moment here and there. But with camps and visits to grandparent's house, there hasn't been as many girls around, and Abigail has not been too happy about that. I'm reminded of when Rachel was a baby and I did everything with one arm while holding her with the other. I'm not the kind of mom who can sit her child and let her "cry it out" for long periods of time. (I know there are times when that does have to happen. But I don't have to often.)

The parenting magazines say that at about eight months old, babies often become clingy to their close family members and that it's just a phase.  I don't follow those articles too much and I don't worry if my children aren't "right where they're supposed to be" by their standards.  I know children develop differently and I'm thankful for that. So while I'm being thankful that my sweet little bit of a baby is developing "right on time", I'll be carrying her around with me as I go.

And she has even figured out how to hide her toy in the sling to play peek a boo.

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