Sunday, February 19, 2012


Last semester, Hannah started talking about moving home and commuting to college. She wanted to save money and be home more. She also mentioned that one of her roommates might want to also. What has become of it is that we've gotten another daughter. Vanessa has joined our family so wonderfully and fits like she's always been here. Recently, I came home to find Lydia and Vanessa running across the front yard. They had picnic baskets with food and they were on an adventure. (I think it had something to do with pirates and ships.) It isn't odd to find them in the play house or up a tree. She loves children and doesn't seem to be phased by our chaos. Her quirky eating habits provide plenty of conversation and she jumps right in with the chores. And I love the laughter I hear coming from the "sorority house" upstairs
Vanessa helps our family pyramid too!

1 comment:

Ami Carr said...

I'll Send Rachel Carr up there too! :) Fun fun!