Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Things Learned from Spirit Week

Last week was "spirit week" at the school where two of our daughters attend. During the week, I did a lot of questioning. We did some crazy things like braiding wire into Hannah's hair for her to dress up like Cindy-Lu-Who (she won 4th for her team), painting a black t- shirt at 11:00 PM, and shopping until the stores close for the perfect jewelry to match dresses. I often wondered why we were doing all of this and how it benefits the kingdom of God.

Besides the fun and exhaustion I think we learned something.
  1. Plan ahead if your daughter wants to dress up like Buttercup from "Princess Bride". Her medieval queen costume may not fit as well as it used to fit.
  2. Keep on hand inexpensive flat sheets for school banners. It isn't easy to get a twin sized flat white sheet for less than $5. (Hannah's team banner won first place and it definitely reflected the theme of how God orders the day and the night.)
  3. It is very hard to brush Rachel's hair out of pin curls and her hair will go into an interesting "frow". She won 4th for her crazy hair day style and had a great headache.
  4. Formal dresses for teenagers that reflect a modest and godly character are few and far between, especially for a young lady who still wears a size 12 girls.
  5. Safety pins are crucial to keeping formals together.
  6. Shoes are not necessary and no one minds if you walk on the homecoming court without them.
  7. If you use enough, hairspray will hold curls in the straightest of hair.
  8. My neighbor has some really cute "eighties" style clothes.
  9. Most important lesson learned - Good character is rewarded sooner or later. Rachel was chosen homecoming queen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Please don't tell anyone who your neighbor is.... I think I need to go clothes shopping. Ha Ha.