Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A Superhero

As a Christian family with five children, we often create a stir and are used to that. But recently Rachel caused a small comotion of her own among our family. At school she was given an assignment to write a paper on the person who has influenced her the most. She gave the report as a birthday present and since then I have had several phone calls from various family members who were thrilled with the results. Here it is:

"My Super Hero

Super strength and speed, invisibility and photographic memory—what comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘super hero’? Telepathy, enhanced senses, and natural weapons such as claws, sharp teeth, quills, and webbing are all common traits of such “heroes.” Of course, we all admire super heroes with those powers. But, no such person happens to be my true hero. No, my hero does not possess superhuman powers. He doesn’t fly or have supernatural perception. My hero possesses a strength that other heroes cannot match. He has the unwavering faith that can move mountains. The love he demonstrates is Christ-like, unconditional and ceaseless. His discipline is comparable to that of the most devoted soldier. Ok, I confess, I know, he’s not really a super hero. But if you told me he hung the moon, I wouldn’t doubt it for a second.

I know, you are most likely thinking, “Could such a hero actually exist, and be human?” I have the privilege of knowing this hero; allow me to introduce him to you.

Not incredibly tall, yet big and strong. Skin weathered from years of living. Big blue eyes. He is all that you could ever want—and more—in a husband, father, grandfather, or friend. He is a good model of what a man should strive to be, and what kind of man a woman should hope for in a husband.

Raised in the country, he is a true Southern gentleman. He is without doubt the most down to earth, laidback person I know. Years of work, trials, and pain have shaped him into the person he is today. As a result of the countless sicknesses he has encountered in his life, my hero walks with a limp, and if he was a normal person, he would have stopped everything years ago. On the contrary, he is very active and very hard to keep up with. He still works hard to provide for his family—even after five open heart surgeries, living with cancer, diabetes, and numerous “inconveniences”.

More than he knows, my super hero has impacted and encouraged my life and the lives of many others. His perseverance has been unbelievable. Through hard times—physically and financially—he has learned to go without luxuries enjoyed by others, and has never lost faith or given up.

My hero motivates me through his example of discipline. Every morning he is up before the sun reading his bible and other books to help strengthen his walk with Christ. To my hero, growing in his walk with Christ has been a priority in his life. After waking at 4:30 am to have this prayer time, even now at age 67, he works full time. He owns a business that takes a lot of hard work, mostly outdoors. Even after tractor wrecks, a tire he was repairing blowing up in his face, and many other physical injuries, he devotedly works with not even a hint of complaining or a complaining spirit. Through his example, I am continuously compelled to strive for strength, commitment and discipline as he has.

Rising above societal standards is a commendable trait. My hero never conforms to worldliness or ungodliness that has so devastatingly swept through, overtaking our nation. He stands out as a Godly example of what a real man is and how one should live. So faithfully has my hero been a manly protector, a dependable provider and a loving father to his family. I strongly doubt that there is anyone who would ever feel scared when in his presence. There is never a reason to be afraid when in the presence of my hero—he has an aroma of trustworthiness about him. He would protect and defend his loved ones—or anyone in need for that matter- in a heartbeat.

My super hero has a secret to his strength: he trusts God for everything. It is often very easy to fall into the temptation to worry. While my hero’s life is so unstable health wise, temptation to worry becomes stronger. My hero has often seemed to be on the brink of death. Not only has he pulled through, he pulls through with confidence, strength and without fear! Trusting in Christ—like my hero does so well—is the means that will bring anyone through any situation without worry or fear. My hero demonstrates incredible faith. He knows what lies ahead of him in life—or in death. Through life or death, my hero knows all that happens in life is for the glory of God and God alone. My hero has exhibited courage by making decisions that could affect him negatively. He courageously signed up to be one of the first people in the state of Georgia to receive laser heart surgery. Thankfully, it turned out well, a great reward to his courage.

I remember being a fearful little girl dreading each of his major open heart surgeries. I did not want to be left in this unpredictable world without a hero such as mine. During all of his surgeries and illnesses, I never fully understood faith, I was afraid that at each trial, my hero would most likely come to his fatal end. I know now that even when my hero physically dies, the legacy he has left to me-his faith-will live on. Miraculously, through God’s mercy, I have been privileged to keep my hero. Sure, thoughts of death pass through the head my hero and me (even now), but never thoughts of fear or worry. My hero knew better. My hero has faith that he will always have life—whether that be here on this earth with us, or through his glorification—in heaven.

One distinct phrase I remember was from one of the later heart surgeries. As they rolled the hospital bed into the operating room, my hero said with love and confidence, “I’ll see ya’ll tonight,” and by God’s grace, we did. He had faith that God would bring him through—and that with God in control, there is never a need for worry.

Through the outstanding example of my hero, I have learned many valuable life lessons, I have seen seemingly faultless displays of character and have been inspired to be more like this hero of mine. Having a living example of faith, hope, perseverance, discipline, trust, hardworking spirit, diligence, and love has been essential in helping me to become a woman after God’s own heart.

Most people know my hero as the owner of Ray’s Axle Company, or the guy who used to run the old filling station, feed store or convenient store. You can call him “Mr. Ray” like most people, who know him by his cover name Ray Rhodes Sr., but I know him by his super hero alias, the loving title—Granddaddy."

I would like to encourage all grandparents by saying you are being watched by a lot of little eyes.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this precious essay. I love how she was able to communicate the hero behind the hero thoughout. Is this daughter homeschooled, public schooled, or Christian schooled?

Lori Rhodes said...

Thank you. She went to Christian school for grades K - 4th, homeschooled for 5th - 8th, then back to the same Christian school for high school where she is a senior now. Her English and language classes have really been a joy for her.

Anonymous said...