Sunday, October 22, 2006


Lately I've thought a lot of the friends that God has given me. I just read a book about friendships and the author discussed that we should be grateful if we have two or three very close friends. As I thought I realized that I have several friends that at any moment I could call them and they would be on hand to listen. I have always leaned on Ray to be my closest confidant, as I should, but now I can also fellowship with "girl" friends that God has given me. These ladies are as dear to my heart as any person could be. When you have small children running around it is easy to get bogged down in day to day tasks and forget to cultivate godly friendships. Though I had great friends when the big girls were small, our conversations were too often focused on children, not the Giver of children. Though during that time I so needed the help in knowing how to raise children I am very thankful to God for this phase of my life.


Anonymous said...


I do have the blessing of friends in my life and can testify to their great value and worth. Having a godly friend that will hold me accountable (physically and spiritually) and encourage me when I am down is a necessary part of a healthy life.

I have lunch friends who pray for me on a regular basis and I for them. We get together once in a while to "catch up" and share pryayer requests. I have a shopping friend-- that is all we do together. I have a phone friend--we never get together but talk on the phone now and then. Our conversation most always includes spiritual matters, family and food! I have a special friend who together with her husband and mine go out each Friday night for dinner. God is so good to give us friends.

In society today we typically do not live close to family, so we do not "share" life with our grandmothers, mothers, aunts and sisters as we used to back in the day. Those were times when tears were shed, advice and encouragement given and skills learned along with experiences shared-- not to mention accountability from living in such close relationships. So God has given me spiritual sisters and very young spiritual moms and I am truly thankful.

And thank you, Lori, you are one of them.

Anonymous said...

One reason that you have such dear friends Lori--is because you are such a friend. I know that for a fact.

Thanks for your friendship!