Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Blessings Chart

For working on characteristics like honesty, joyfulness, reverence, etc. I bought a little character training guide called the Blessings Chart years ago (I think it came from Doorposts) . It's an actual chart you hang on the wall and as you discuss a certain character quality, family members get to vote for the person who seems to display that quality the most. For instance, if you are talking about obedience, you would watch to see who was trying to be obedient. You write that person's name down and put it in the "blessings jar." Each person can and should get several votes. At the end of a certain period of time you count to see who got the most votes. One of the girls suggested we pull our chart back out and try it again. We couldn't find it so we made a new one. There has been a lot of discussion as to how accurate it really is, but the winners closely fall to whom I think it should. The kindness award went to Rachel, but Hannah was close behind and Mary took respect because she always remembers "Yes, ma'm." Hannah was found to be the most obedient and Sarah shared the peacemaker title with Rachel. We are finding that the girls continue to have their own personalities with strengths in some positive areas. What's fun is to see silly smiles on their faces as we are trying to see who is the most joyful.

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