Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3
What is the first thing do you think when something happens? If it's how you will be effected then you may have a problem with selfishness.
But what if you sit a dwell on how you are impacted by others' actions? Then I'm pretty sure that's selfishness. Sometimes, I fall into that cycle. In my mind I try to justify myself saying I'm concerned for how others are affected- my family, the church, the lost, etc. But the truth of the matter is that I'm just plain selfish.
I want things my own way for my own convenience or comfort or pride. Even when I want things for my children's sake, it could be because of pride and selfishness. Whatever the reason, it's still sin.
Our hearts may get offended for the sake of Christ or His glory, but how often does that happen - truthfully?
It's time we put before our eyes the gospel of Christ. When I am offended by something, I must change my thinking. My default shouldn't be about how it makes me feel. When you love God and follow Him, His glory is what you must be seeking, not anyone else's.
So when things don't go my way, I have to ask, "Am I upset that I didn't get my way? Or am I bothered that Christ wasn't gloried?"
Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to selfish gain! Psalm 119:36
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