Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year?

I was on the phone today with someone I love dearly who was grieving the loss of a ten year old little boy. This child was close to her family and church and had died in an accident while enjoying life with his family. She had been consoling me over now nine days of sickness in our home and I was lamely trying to console her.

Neither of us spoke of the giant cloud of another family that we both know and love in serious brokenness. Our hearts are heavy and without thinking, I said, "If we didn't serve a great, almighty God who is ruling over the universe, life would be hard."

Silence on both ends of the phone... Life IS hard.

This new year rings in to heavy weights bearing down hard on many. A family ripped apart because of unrepentant sin. Another family with a huge gaping wound at the sudden loss of a child and serious injuries to another. Families all over the world facing loss simply because they claim the name of Christ.

Years ago, I heard John Piper say something like, "If I didn't know that God was sovereign and in control, I would not be able to handle all this trouble."

Life is hard, but we do serve a Savior who is in control. At our family meal tonight, Ray asked everyone for a Bible verse that could bring in the new year. Several quoted verses about plans, God directing our steps and even a new life in Christ. The only verse that Abigail could remember was,
"And Mary said, 'My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.'"
We do have hope and we can rejoice because God is alive and well. He is the Savior and will reign triumphant.  We can face difficulties with grace because He has given us His Helper to see us through.

This week as random strangers wish you "Happy New Year," return the greeting with, "Yes, it is a Happy New Year." Maybe not a silly, slaphappy nonsense that we'll see on Times Square, but a peace and blessing kind of happy that can't be conjured up or faked.

Yes, life is hard, but we are confident that God will see us through.

1 comment:

the striped rose said...

“Time is equivalent to what can be done or gained by it. At the beginning of the new year, therefore, we wish everyone that it be happy because we know that there is no greater melancholy or sadness than to use time for any purpose but the supreme one, which is the salvation of the soul.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (On Being Human)