Saturday, June 28, 2014

My House Exploded...


It wasn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last. But what could I do? The past four days have been a great whirlwind of activity for all of us.

It started on Tuesday morning when Rachel texted and asked me to come over, then she texted again and asked if I could come over sooner rather than later. At that, I was suspicious. I dropped everything and went to her house. Within two hours, she and Adrian were racing to the hospital and I was dropping off Susannah at my house to take her nap with Abigail. Rachel's contractions started at eight that morning and Josiah was born before two in the afternoon.

Since then, we have all come in and out, dropping and grabbing as we could. We wanted to be at the hospital and then at Rachel and Adrian's house as much as possible and there was still church, jobs, and other activities to maintain. Dishes and laundry had been partially done here and there, but the house looked rough. Because the girls were really helpful over the past few days, it really wasn't as bad as it could have been.

So where should I start?

I started in the sink and actually ran the dishwasher with just pots and pans. (A big waste of money, in my opinion.) Getting the sink clean, the laundry folded and my bed cleared felt like I could sleep peacefully. Picking up things off of the floor helped and as I moved (ahem..trotted, almost ran) from one room to another I was dropping things in at least the correct room. So really in an hour's time, our chaos was back to the manageable "mess, but we're a family who lives here look."

I know babies don't wait to grow, they even sneak around and do it while we aren't looking. So for now, I'll try not to worry about the dust bunnies, finger prints and piles of papers. I'm spending every moment that I can playing with a very active thirteen month old and rocking a very snugly newborn. Being a Grammy really is a fun job!

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