Friday, June 13, 2014

Just Say, "Jesus"?

After riding in the car with my daughter switching the radio station over and over, I was glad when she rested for a few moments on the local "inspirational" station. I was thinking that the worldliness of the music was too much for me and definitely too much for the little girls. What a silly thing to think I would find a relief on the station that's supposed to be "safe for the whole family."

My daughter laughed and flipped off the radio. She had heard the singer say something like, "When you don't know what to say, just say Jesus." She commented that it was like a magic potion or even like supercalifragulisticexpialidotious. When you don't know what to say, just say any word.

After discussing the song around the diner table the girls decided that it's seems like taking God's Name in vain.

Now to be fair, I don't know the song, the artist or his intentions. My complaint is with the Christian mainstream music industry. Lyrics are too often superficial and "relevant" without deep theology. Talent isn't well developed and repetition prevails.

Mainstream, popular Christian radio stations are so full of silly banter and fake laughter that they miss an opportunity to meet real spiritual needs. The feel good, self help entertainment isn't what our world needs. It needs a serious gospel witness. A witness that is clear with the Word of God, not watered down. 

I'll stop my rant now. 

My Pandora is almost always on the Sovereign Grace station. I  appreciate the old hymns updated with new music and the deep, biblical lyrics.


the striped rose said...

I don't know anything about this song or the intent of the singer, but the Jesus Prayer is an ancient and powerful prayer. I pray it when I am at a total loss, and need to turn my mind to God, but my mind cannot form words because of illness, fear, etc. There are longer forms of the prayer, and I usually use "Jesus Christ Son of the Living God have mercy on me a sinner." "Jesus" and "Jesus have mercy" are some of the many variations. I have read one of the many books on this prayer, and there are many writings going back centuries. I could try to explain what I have learned, but my clumsiness would do more harm than good. ;)

the striped rose said...

But I do agree that isolated from the prayers and direction of the Church, it could be a superstitious idea that would pose great danger.

the striped rose said...

In total honesty, I must admit, I use this prayer when the children sitting with me in my pew get a bit too lively, and I need to surrender my mind to God before I sin. ;)