Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Day of Homeschool

Did this day go down in history as one of the top ten worst first days of homeschooling for the Rhodes family? Since I've only been homeschooling for fourteen years, I would say definitely!

The day was filled mostly with feelings of guilt and frustration. In our house, homeschool preparation looks like goofing off, so it needs to be interrupted, therefore I hadn't prepared enough. I couldn't find half of the books that I thought I had. That may be because when I went through so many of the boxes of homeschool books packed in the garage I thought I was done. How many boxes could there have been, I must be done, right? Wrong, I failed to look at both of the girl's stack of work - way too short and missing major subjects. And yes, I said both of the girls. This is the first year in twelve years that I'm only homeschooling two children. It should be easier than this.

I heard Hannah ask Mary if she was done with school for the day, Mary said that she didn't know.  When Hannah asked Mary what she thought she was supposed to be doing, Mary answered, "I don't know and I don't think Mama does either."

Lydia woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to start early. I on the other was still in my pajamas and hadn't gotten a shower at 1:30 in the afternoon.

And Abigail had to be reminded what the word "no" meant more times than I can count. This was the day that Abigail decided to test every parenting skill I have and to see how committed to the spanking process I really am.

Now, what do I do to recover for the next day? Nap? Empty more boxes? Coffee and chocolate? I chose the coffee and chocolate and emptied more boxes. I can't sleep when I'm so dirty and frustrated.

So there will be no first day of school pictures for us, unless you want one of the pile of Cheerios on the floor.

1 comment:

the striped rose said...

I love it.