Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homeschool Thoughts

If we are only thinking of school I could write down the subjects and how they work out in our day. The problem is that I cannot separate homeschool from our life. Reading over the things I do in a random hour in a school morning is a good indicator of how our home is moving during the school time.
The two older girls have a schedule laid out for each subject. It is a detailed breakdown for each subject, that they have the freedom to adjust as necessary. It is a guide that they follow loosely.
The girls are required to get up and have their own quiet time, breakfast with the family and do morning chores before we start school at 8:15. For Hannah, that means she likes to be up at 6:00; Lydia at 7:00; Sarah and Mary when we drag them out and force them to the table:)
Besides mealtimes, devotions are the only time we are all doing the same thing at the same time. Everyday we sing a hymn, study a country or people group, learn a Bible verse and sometimes go over poems or certain works of writing, and pray. Each girl has her own day to pray out loud. This is a sweet time gathered around the piano and on the sofas. Often they are crocheting or knitting and snuggling under blankets, but all must participate.
After devotions they spread out to focus a little better. Hannah and Sarah usually sit at the kitchen table because they need to be away from the school table and can spread out there better. The school table has my computer set up and is where Mary and Lydia do most of their school work. They also sit on the sofa when they can. I alternate helping them with whatever they need. I will try to get ahead and have out two or three things for the to do while I am working with the other. A lot of checking falls through the cracks, but in general I know where they both are in everything they are working on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lori, this is so funny! My Hannah and Lydia are the early birds too! That is why we have them sharing a room. Sarah and Mary would love to sleep longer, but unfortunately for them Lydia has learned how to open door knobs! She is way to smart for 2yo! Mary said to me this morning as she snuck in our bedroom at 7:01, "Mom please make Lydia get out of our room. We are trying to sleep!"

I was trying to tell a mom at the park today what a typical day is for us. I don't think she quite understood. I don't know if you can until you are working with so many different levels at once! I only have three because Hannah and Sarah work on the same level!

Glad you are all doing well!
Blessings, Eva