Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How to Grow a Child for God, 1-5

Recently, Ray came across this pamphlet by Wayne Mack subtitled: 34 Suggestions to parents on how to grow a child for God. As I have gone through the Scripture references and tried to pray through them for each of my children I have become very convicted. It is eye opening when Scripture is laid out before you and what you practice. There is a mention of The Sword and the Trowel and 1978, but I can find nothing online of its origin. I'll try to send all of them out at various times. Here are the first few:
  1. Pray for your child before he is born, and continue to pray for him afterwards. I Sam. 1:11, 27, 28; Psalm 71:6, Gal. 1:15; II Tim. 1:5.
  2. Examine your expectations for your child. Are they realistic? Evaluate them in light of the Bible. Gen. 33:12-14; I Cor. 13:11; Matt. 18:10.
  3. Love him unconditionally. Deut. 7:7; I John 4:19; I John 4:10.
  4. Look for opportunities when you can commend him. Express appreciation to him frequently. Phil. 1:3; I Thess. 1:2; II Thess. 1:3.
  5. Seldom criticize without first expressing appreciation for good points. I Cor. 1:3-13.

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