Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Receiving a Gift

Recently our family was the recipient of a special gift, the gift of hospitality. We enjoyed a few days of fun at friends' home and were treated like royalty. The Baileys were more than gracious hosts. Because they live in Florida we have joked about how hard it is to live in paradise. Though they were wonderful hosts at Sea World and Daytona Beach the real joy was being in their home and being with their family. This photo is of all the Rhodes' and Bailey's braided beauties in front of Shamu Stadium. Their son Ethan didn't want his hair braided:)

Olivet Baptist Church of Ocala also showered us with hospitality while Ray was teaching a family conference at their church. The kindnesses they showed our family were well thought out and prepared for ahead of time. The church as a whole and individuals took the time to host our large family and we enjoyed our time with them immensely.

I have always had a hard time knowing what to say when receiving a gift. I have found that the Lord blesses us so much that "thank you" is all I can say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly. The Baileys are great. Olivet Baptist Church demonstrates such love to their guests. What a week that it was! And you, my dear, are a fine writer!