Thursday, March 07, 2013

Abigail's Plans

How do you go about your day? There are many options on how to go about your day -
  • you have a strict schedule that you follow
  • you wake up and let the needs propel you forward
  • you are paralyzed by what the needs are and curl up in a fetal position
  • your day is bouncing somewhere in between those options
Recently, I had three days that Ray took several of the girls to Kentucky and I was left with Sarah and Abigail. I woke up each day feeling a little strange because the house was so empty and I wasn't sure what to do. A lot of my daily work had left me at home with Sarah and Abigail. I had this grand idea that since so many were away that I would have lots of time to do my "extra" work. As it turned out, I was farther behind when they got home than when they left. What happened?

One thing, I think I over estimated how well behaved Abigail really is. All those times that I thought she plays really well by herself? Not! I need to work on that for sure. With so many in our house, she doesn't usually need to play by herself, but it's definite a skill all small children need to have.

Another thing is that I forgot how much help that the older girls are. If I'm in another room and need to know what Abigail is doing, I can just ask if anyone sees her. Unless she's into something, they will say she's fine and I can continue on. Without all of the extra eyes, I was constantly running from room to room to check on her or trying to get her to play in the room that I was in. That ending up turning into her thinking that I was playing and her not being satisfied with anything unless I was entertaining her.

I thought about my well layed plans and schedule and wondered if I would get anything done while Ray was gone. At the end of the three days, I had accomplished very little and was frustrated. Having a toddler in the house slows down everything and puts a whole new dynamic on house keeping. She plans for us to entertain her and be at her command at all times of the day. As I try to rethink how to discipline her to behave on her own, I have to think seriously about any projects I might attempt.

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