Friday, May 17, 2013


Often when I see a street preacher or sign holder I think, "Fanatic." But, honestly, I don't know those people or their hearts.

Whether a person shouts out and says, "Woe you hypocrites" or quietly meets in the garden to instruct. Our hearts must be about witnessing to the lost. We have to care for souls. So if you see a person holding a sign that says "Jesus is the only way" or someone carrying a cross, don't automatically think, "Nut case." Pray for them. It isn't easy to stand out and be bold for Christ. If you see someone whispering in the corner with a lost person, don't automatically think that they're up to no good. Pray for them. They could be sharing the Gospel for the first time.

There are many examples of witnessing in Scripture: Paul standing in the coliseum proclaiming Christ, Timothy being instructed by his mother and grandmother, Jesus preaching to the crowds, the believing wife who might win her husband over without a word. Read the story of Ananias, he was afraid to do what God asked him to do but he went anyway.(Acts 9:10-19) We don't have to engage in all of these methods for sharing the Gospel but we do have to be sharing.
If my theology doesn't lead me to witness for Christ then my theology is weak. I wish I knew where this quote came from but it is powerfully convicting. 
As I pray, I must be praying for a heart for the lost and for my theology to drive the method I use to evangelize.

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